11 October 2011

One of These Things Is Not Like the Others

For each of the four Oz-book adaptations he’s scripted for Marvel Comics, Eric Shanower has drawn a variant cover for at least one issue.

For the first four of those covers, Shanower mainly followed the character designs that Skottie Young created for the series, adapting them slightly to his own style.

On this season’s Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz, however, we see Eric’s own characterizations, in the style he developed for Adventures in Oz, as influenced by John R. Neill.

Or, as we traditionalists like to think, the way those characters really look.

1 comment:

  1. I Like, okay LOVE, the "Dorothy and Scarecrow, Toto too" cover BEST and the "Ozma #1" variant least. "Dorothy and the Wizard" variant is great, but I only have two LITTLE problems with it:
    * the colouring is digital instead of hand-painted like he usually does
    * the childrens' eyes (pupils or irises) don't seem to be raised up high enough to be looking at Gwig and I think Zeb's mouth could've been a bit more boy-like, maybe showing teeth.

    Sorry I'm just picky at times.
