21 September 2009


This photograph by Robert Shoemaker was the readers’ choice in the Animals category of Country Magazine’s 2009 photography contest.

Hard to believe, I know.

To see the other category winners and—if you’re so inclined—to vote, visit the Country Magazine website.

I’ve been a subscriber to Country for years, despite living in inner suburbia and not even gardening. I feel it maintains a link to my Midwest heritage.


  1. "This is God's Country!" is one of my favorite "Country" features.

    I'm not a subscriber, but read many an issue at my grandmother's house -- who didn't live in the country either.

    I DO live in the country and believe me we don't have any sweater wearing puppies around here -- just stray coon hounds.

  2. One does get an odd sense of rural life from Country. The magazine talks about hard work, but life in the country looks like an endless roundelay of making livestock look cute, cooking entrees that use four ingredients and serve eight, and taking gorgeous landscape photographs suitable for jigsaw puzzles.
